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Innovation support measures

Unsere innovationsbegleitenden Maßnahmen

Insbesondere junge Forschende, die am Anfang ihrer Karriere stehen, benötigen umfassende Förderung, die von günstigen Rahmenbedingungen für ihre Forschung über individuelle Karriereplanung bis hin zur Unterstützung bei der Gründung von Startups reicht. All dies und mehr bietet CNATM mithilfe institutioneller sowie mehrerer neu geschaffener Maßnahmenpakete, die wir in einem zentralen Verbundprojekt (VP4) von CNATM koordinieren. 

Here, expertise, resources and technologies are made available to bring developments quickly into application:

  • Imaging of nucleic acids: Tracking nucleic acid therapeutics in tissue to the target cell and also their binding to the target structure is difficult and can only recently be overcome with the help of lightsheet microscopy. Through CNATM, such a microscope has been installed and is now available to all members. (Interner Ansprechpartner:)
  • Synthesis of nucleic acids: Especially for the screening of variously synthesized nucleic acids or their preclinical validation in animal models, the effort for syntheses quickly reaches budget limits. CNATM facilitates access to the required product. (Interner Ansprechpartner:) 
  • Sequencing and analytics of nucleic acids: Single cell sequencing (scRNA-Seq) in particular offers insights into gene regulation that seemed unthinkable just a few years ago. CNATM provides access to third generation sequencing and analytics, such as mass spectrometry. (Interner Ansprechpartner:) 
  • Stem cells and organoids not only have the potential to replace animal models, but also offer the possibility to validate active substances against the background of the human genome or even to be implanted in patients themselves. CNATM members bring this expertise to the network. (Interner Ansprechpartner:) 
  • Data management: the complex data sets from omics analyses are increasingly a challenge for researchers. CNATM supports the management of data and their networked bioinformatic analysis.  (Interner Ansprechpartner:) 

Sub-projects with particularly fast and positive development should not be hindered by rigid time and budget frames, but should be able to take the next step quickly. CNATM provides access to the expertise of companies from the regulatory sector and can draw on existing accelerator/incubator programs. (Interner Ansprechpartner:)

  • Organoid und iPS-Zell Technologien zur Reduktion von Tierversuchen
  • Nachwuchsförderung durch verschiedene Angebote
  • Aufbau eines regionalen Nukleinsäureforschungsnetzwerkes
  • Öffentlichkeitsarbeit durch public outreach Projekte

Scientific buildings & Technology platforms

Each of the institutes and companies united in CNATM contributes specific expertise and equipment to the cluster. Our innovation network is thus built on a broad base of technological and methodological resources that is unparalleled in its density and diversity.

Die Etablierung und Nutzung von Technologieplattformen im Cluster sind ein zentrales Asset von CNATM. Hierfür u.a. stehen zwei hochmoderne on-topic Forschungsbauten zur Verfügung. Weitere Technologieplattformen sind dezentral an den jeweiligen Instituten organisiert und stehen Forschenden im Rahmen von innovationsbegleitenden Maßnahmen zur Verfügung.

Bayerische NMR-Zentrum (BNMRZ)

Enthält einen umfangreichen Gerätepark für die strukturbiologische Analyse makromolekularer RNA-Protein-Komplexe

Institute for Chemical Epigenetics Munich (ICEM)

Besitzt eine zentrale Elektronenmikroskop-Facility und einer Next-Gen-Sequenzierungseinheit

© Winfried Meining

Unser Beitrag zur HightechStrategie 2025

CNATM will make key contributions in all three fields of action of the German government's high-tech strategy through the establishment of nucleic acid therapeutics and the value creation based on them.

The thematic location of this cluster in the health and care sector of field of action 1 addresses the considerable, unmet need for innovation in advanced therapies. Despite the success of the vaccines developed in Germany, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic made it clear that there is an enormous need for active substances and therapeutic options that can be used to achieve better treatment results. In addition to infectious diseases, this applies equally to the other disease foci of the cluster: immunity/chronic inflammation, tumor diseases, and cardiovascular diseases.