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CNATM - Cluster for Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Munich

CNATM is one of seven winners of the Clusters4Future initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The CNATM's multilateral collaborations are creating a network from which novel nucleic acid-based active substances and next-generation vaccines are to be developed. The research network consists of scientists from the leading universities LMU Munich and TUM, with the participation of the universities of Regensburg and Würzburg, the Helmholtz Centre Munich and 14 companies from the greater Munich region.

Our Vision & Our Goals

CNATM is creating a network from which novel nucleic acid-based active substances and next-generation vaccines are to be developed. Nucleic acids have so far eluded drug development. The latest discoveries in the field of mRNA vaccines, but also in the field of nucleic acid therapies, now give rise to the hope that nucleic acids will soon be available as new ‘weapons’ in the fight against previously untreatable diseases. The ability to design nucleic acids in a highly specific and theoretically predictable way opens up completely new therapeutic approaches in medicine.

Scientists from very different disciplines are working together to achieve these goals. Chemistry researchers are developing new nucleic acid chemistry. Scientists from biochemistry and cell biology are researching sites and principles of action. Pharmacists are testing the active ingredients and polymer chemistry researchers are developing new delivery strategies. The physicians in the cluster are focussing their scientific efforts on the areas with the highest unmet medical needs. With the development of the first mRNA vaccine, Germany currently has a small lead in drug development, which is to be continuously expanded and further developed.

Projects in CNATM

Research and development projects

We are currently working on 11 projects, so-called Work Packages, in the fields of mono- and dinucleotides, oligonucleotides, delivery and formulation of nucleic acid therapeutics, as well as mRNA agents and other principles.

Measures to support innovation

We are working on a decentralised basis in a centrally managed joint project to implement our innovation-related measures.


Upcoming Events

Our next events will be announced shortly

Facts and figures





