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Our research projects

Nucleic acid-based agents for difficult-to-treat diseases

In CNATM, we are moving away from traditional protein-centred drug development and developing nucleic acids as therapeutics. Nucleic acids are the most promising class of molecules to achieve rapid development of highly specific therapeutics - as already demonstrated by the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines. We are exploiting an even broader spectrum that includes chemically modified mono- and dinucleotides, oligonucleotides such as siRNAs or antimirs as well as aptamers. Infections, inflammations, tumours and cardiovascular diseases cause around 75% of all deaths in the EU. Available therapies are often ineffective or limited to symptom relief, so there is a significant medical need.

We aim to take active ingredients from development through validation to preclinical testing within a few years. Our 14 industrial partners are closely involved in the projects from the very beginning and make a significant contribution through research activities, syntheses and drug formulations.

Our cluster is divided into 4 collaborative projects. In collaborative projects 1-3, we are working on our research and development projects around 3 major overarching themes in 11 work packages. In our centrally coordinated joint project 4 we work on our innovation support measures.

Mono- and dinucleotides

Oligonucleotides and their targeted delivery

mRNA agents and other principles